Contact Information
Office: Bld. SR1, Rm. 531D
Phone: 713*743*3587
Office hours can be arranged around my class schedule. Feel free to stop by my office anytime, or catch me while I'm tutoring
in the learning center. Also, you can always get other TAs to help you in the learning
Other Relevant Stuff About Me ----
Bachelor of Science from the University of Houston awarded Summer of 2002
Major: Physics
Minor: Mathematics
Began graduate studies in Physics at University of Houston in Fall 2002
1999 - 2002 -- Undergraduate Lab Assistant at the Texas Center for Superconductivity at UH (TcSUH)
Worked primarily on bulk samples (High Tc Superconductors and CMRs) measuring Resistivity, Inductance, Pressure Effects, and Transport Properties - via
thermoelectric power data.
2002 - Present -- Graduate Student Research Assistant for Dr. Stokes at UH
Researching thin film samples of complex semiconductors via Optical Characterization and Transport Properties from Hall Effect data
2002 - Present -- Teaching Assistant
Responsible for teaching PHYS 1101 labs and working as a tutor in the Physics Learning Center